To reference the PolyQ database, please cite:
Szlachcic WJ, Switonski PM, Kurkowiak M, Wiatr K, Figiel M. Mouse polyQ database: a new online resource for research using mouse models of neurodegenerative diseases. Mol Brain. 2015; 8:69. doi: 10.1186/s13041-015-0160-8. Read

The database was created on the basis of the data collected for our two reviews:
Figiel M, Szlachcic WJ, Switonski PM, Gabka A, Krzyzosiak WJ. Mouse models of polyglutamine diseases: review and data table. Part I. Mol Neurobiol. 2012 Oct;46(2):393-429. Read
Switonski PM, Szlachcic WJ, Gabka A, Krzyzosiak WJ, Figiel M. Mouse models of polyglutamine diseases in therapeutic approaches: review and data table. Part II. Mol Neurobiol. 2012 Oct;46(2):430-66. Read